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Matrix Multiplication

We will now look into basic matrix multiplication. In this example, we will perform the matrix multiplication. Matrix multiplication involves a nested loop. Again, most of the time, we might end up doing computation with a nested loop. Therefore, studying this example would be good practice for solving the nested loop in the future.

  • Allocating the CPU memory for A, B, and C matrices. Here we notice that the matrix is stored in a 1D array because we want to consider the same function concept for CPU and GPU.

    // Initialize the memory on the host
    float *a, *b, *c;
    // Allocate host memory
    a   = (float*)malloc(sizeof(float) * (N*N));
    b   = (float*)malloc(sizeof(float) * (N*N));
    c   = (float*)malloc(sizeof(float) * (N*N));

  • Allocating the GPU memory for A, B, and C matrix

    // Initialize the memory on the device
    float *d_a, *d_b, *d_c;
    // Allocate device memory
    cudaMalloc((void**)&d_a, sizeof(float) * (N*N));
    cudaMalloc((void**)&d_b, sizeof(float) * (N*N));
    cudaMalloc((void**)&d_c, sizeof(float) * (N*N));

  • Now we need to fill the values for the matrix A and B.

    // Initialize host matrix
    for(int i = 0; i < (N*N); i++)
        a[i] = 2.0f;
        b[i] = 2.0f;

  • Transfer initialized A and B matrix from CPU to GPU

    cudaMemcpy(d_a, a, sizeof(float) * (N*N), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
    cudaMemcpy(d_b, b, sizeof(float) * (N*N), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);

  • 2D thread block for indexing x and y

    // Thread organization
    int blockSize = 32;
    dim3 dimBlock(blockSize,blockSize,1);
    dim3 dimGrid(ceil(N/float(blockSize)),ceil(N/float(blockSize)),1);

  • Calling the kernel function

    // Device function call
    matrix_mul<<<dimGrid,dimBlock>>>(d_a, d_b, d_c, N);

    matrix multiplication function call
    float * matrix_mul(float *h_a, float *h_b, float *h_c, int width)
      for(int row = 0; row < width ; ++row)
          for(int col = 0; col < width ; ++col)
              float temp = 0;
              for(int i = 0; i < width ; ++i)
                  temp += h_a[row*width+i] * h_b[i*width+col];
              h_c[row*width+col] = temp;
      return h_c;
    __global__ void matrix_mul(float* d_a, float* d_b, 
    float* d_c, int width)
      int row = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
      int col = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
      if ((row < width) && (col < width)) 
          float temp = 0;
          // each thread computes one 
          // element of the block sub-matrix
          for (int i = 0; i < width; ++i) 
              temp += d_a[row*width+i]*d_b[i*width+col];
          d_c[row*width+col] = temp;
  • Copy back computed value from GPU to CPU; transfer the data back to GPU (from device to host). Here is the C matrix that contains the product of the two matrices.

    // Transfer data back to host memory
    cudaMemcpy(c, d_c, sizeof(float) * (N*N), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);

  • Deallocate the host and device memory

    // Deallocate device memory
    // Deallocate host memory

Questions and Solutions

Examples: Matrix Multiplication


using namespace std;

float * matrix_mul(float *h_a, float *h_b, float *h_c, int width)   
  for(int row = 0; row < width ; ++row)                           
      for(int col = 0; col < width ; ++col)                       
          float temp = 0;                                       
          for(int i = 0; i < width ; ++i)                         
              temp += h_a[row*width+i] * h_b[i*width+col];      
          h_c[row*width+col] = temp;                            
  return h_c;           

int main()

  cout << "Programme assumes that matrix (square matrix )size is N*N "<<endl;
  cout << "Please enter the N size number "<< endl;
  int N = 0;
  cin >> N;

  // Initialize the memory on the host
  float *a, *b, *c;       

  // Allocate host memory
  a   = (float*)malloc(sizeof(float) * (N*N));
  b   = (float*)malloc(sizeof(float) * (N*N));
  c   = (float*)malloc(sizeof(float) * (N*N));

  // Initialize host matrix
  for(int i = 0; i < (N*N); i++)
      a[i] = 1.0f;
      b[i] = 2.0f;

  // Device function call 
  matrix_mul(a, b, c, N);

  // Verification
  for(int i = 0; i < N; i++)
      for(int j = 0; j < N; j++)
          cout << c[j] <<" ";
      cout << " " <<endl;

  // Deallocate host memory

 return 0;


using namespace std;

__global__ void matrix_mul(float* d_a, float* d_b, 
float* d_c, int width)

  // create a 2d threads block
  int row = ..................
  int col = ....................

  // only allow the threads that are needed for the computation 
  if (................................)
      float temp = 0;
      // each thread computes one 
      // element of the block sub-matrix
      for (int i = 0; i < width; ++i) 
          temp += d_a[row*width+i]*d_b[i*width+col];
      d_c[row*width+col] = temp;

// Host call (matrix multiplication)
float * cpu_matrix_mul(float *h_a, float *h_b, float *h_c, int width)   
  for(int row = 0; row < width ; ++row)                           
      for(int col = 0; col < width ; ++col)                       
          float single_entry = 0;                                       
          for(int i = 0; i < width ; ++i)                         
              single_entry += h_a[row*width+i] * h_b[i*width+col];      
          h_c[row*width+col] = single_entry;                            
  return h_c;           

int main()

  cout << "Programme assumes that matrix (square matrix) size is N*N "<<endl;
  cout << "Please enter the N size number "<< endl;
  int N = 0;
  cin >> N;

  // Initialize the memory on the host
  float *a, *b, *c, *host_check;       

  // Initialize the memory on the device
  float *d_a, *d_b, *d_c; 

  // Allocate host memory
  a   = (float*)malloc(sizeof(float) * (N*N));

  // Initialize host matrix
  for(int i = 0; i < (N*N); i++)
      a[i] = 2.0f;
      b[i] = 2.0f;

  // Allocate device memory
  cudaMalloc((void**)&d_a, sizeof(float) * (N*N));

  // Transfer data from host to device memory

  // Thread organization
  int blockSize = ..............;
  dim3 dimBlock(......................);
  dim3 dimGrid(.......................);

  // Device function call 
  matrix_mul<<<dimGrid,dimBlock>>>(d_a, d_b, d_c, N);

  // Transfer data back to host memory
  cudaMemcpy(c, d_c, sizeof(float) * (N*N), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);

  // CPU computation for verification 

  // Verification
  bool flag=1;
  for(int i = 0; i < N; i++)
     for(int j = 0; j < N; j++)
         if(c[j*N+i]!= host_check[j*N+i])
  if (flag==0)
      cout <<"Two matrices are not equal" << endl;
    cout << "Two matrices are equal" << endl;

  // Deallocate device memory

  // Deallocate host memory

  return 0;


using namespace std;

__global__ void matrix_mul(float* d_a, float* d_b, 
float* d_c, int width)

  int row = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
  int col = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;

  if ((row < width) && (col < width)) 
      float temp = 0;
      // each thread computes one 
      // element of the block sub-matrix
      for (int i = 0; i < width; ++i) 
          temp += d_a[row*width+i]*d_b[i*width+col];
      d_c[row*width+col] = temp;

// Host call (matrix multiplication)
float * cpu_matrix_mul(float *h_a, float *h_b, float *h_c, int width)   
  for(int row = 0; row < width ; ++row)                           
      for(int col = 0; col < width ; ++col)                       
          float single_entry = 0;                                       
          for(int i = 0; i < width ; ++i)                         
              single_entry += h_a[row*width+i] * h_b[i*width+col];      
          h_c[row*width+col] = single_entry;                            
  return h_c;           

int main()

  cout << "Programme assumes that matrix (square matrix) size is N*N "<<endl;
  cout << "Please enter the N size number "<< endl;
  int N = 0;
  cin >> N;

  // Initialize the memory on the host
  float *a, *b, *c, *host_check;       

  // Initialize the memory on the device
  float *d_a, *d_b, *d_c; 

  // Allocate host memory
  a   = (float*)malloc(sizeof(float) * (N*N));
  b   = (float*)malloc(sizeof(float) * (N*N));
  c   = (float*)malloc(sizeof(float) * (N*N));
  host_check = (float*)malloc(sizeof(float) * (N*N));

  // Initialize host matrix
  for(int i = 0; i < (N*N); i++)
      a[i] = 2.0f;
      b[i] = 2.0f;

  // Allocate device memory
  cudaMalloc((void**)&d_a, sizeof(float) * (N*N));
  cudaMalloc((void**)&d_b, sizeof(float) * (N*N));
  cudaMalloc((void**)&d_c, sizeof(float) * (N*N));

  // Transfer data from host to device memory
  cudaMemcpy(d_a, a, sizeof(float) * (N*N), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
  cudaMemcpy(d_b, b, sizeof(float) * (N*N), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);

  // Thread organization
  int blockSize = 32;
  dim3 dimBlock(blockSize,blockSize,1);
  dim3 dimGrid(ceil(N/float(blockSize)),ceil(N/float(blockSize)),1);

  // Device function call 
  matrix_mul<<<dimGrid,dimBlock>>>(d_a, d_b, d_c, N);

  // Transfer data back to host memory
  cudaMemcpy(c, d_c, sizeof(float) * (N*N), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);

  // cpu computation for verification 

  // Verification
  bool flag=1;
  for(int i = 0; i < N; i++)
     for(int j = 0; j < N; j++)
         if(c[j*N+i]!= host_check[j*N+i])
  if (flag==0)
      cout <<"Two matrices are not equal" << endl;
    cout << "Two matrices are equal" << endl;

  // Deallocate device memory

  // Deallocate host memory

  return 0;
Compilation and Output
// compilation
$ g++ -o Matrix-Multiplication-CPU

// execution 
$ ./Matrix-Multiplication-CPU

// output
$ g++ -o Matrix-multiplication
$ ./Matrix-multiplication
Programme assumes that matrix (square matrix) size is N*N 
Please enter the N size number 
16 16 16 16 
16 16 16 16  
16 16 16 16  
16 16 16 16 
// compilation
$ nvcc -arch=compute_70 -o Matrix-Multiplication-GPU

// execution
$ ./Matrix-Multiplication-GPU
Programme assumes that matrix (square matrix) size is N*N 
Please enter the N size number
$ 256

// output
$ Two matrices are equal
  • Right now, we are using the 1D array to represent the matrix. However, you can also do it with the 2D matrix. Can you try with 2D array matrix multiplication with 2D thread block?
  • Can you get the correct solution if you remove the if ((row < width) && (col < width)) condition from the __global__ void matrix_mul(float* d_a, float* d_b, float* d_c, int width) function?
  • Please try with different thread blocks and different matrix sizes.
    // Thread organization
    int blockSize = 32;
    dim3 dimBlock(blockSize,blockSize,1);
    dim3 dimGrid(ceil(N/float(blockSize)),ceil(N/float(blockSize)),1);

Last update: April 30, 2024 16:19:58
Created: March 11, 2023 20:16:27